York is full of incredibly photogenic locations. And this wedding just serves to showcase a number of them! See below for a selection of images of my natural photography from the day.
The Service
Natalie and Richard were married at Bedern Hall, a delightful 14th Century event location in the heart of York. It is run not for profit by a fabulous team. I had popped in the day before the wedding and by chance chatted with Director Roger Lee who was most helpful. Despite being a delightfully ancient building nestled amongst taller, more modern structures, there was some wonderful natural lighting falling in through the vast windows.
The service was standing room only, and was filled with emotion and stirring words from readings and from our two protagonists who each had their own beautiful vows for one another. I was positioned at the front and my second shooter Tom from Giraffe Photography was packed in at the back between the other standees. Tom contributed a significant number of images on the day, particularly those from the rear within Bedern Hall. He also held the ladder for me when I was taking the group shots later on!
The Wander
After the service, Natalie and Richard, plus a small entourage (me, best man/umbrella carrier Thomas and second shooter Tom) went for a quick wander round the vicinity of the 'Cathedral and Metropolitical Church of Saint Peter in York', commonly known as York Minster. Natalie and Richard volunteer at the Minster so it is close to their hearts.
Now this is where the story gets interesting - we were nearly arrested!
Well, perhaps I've exaggerated that slightly, but we were 'moved on' by a member of the red-vested York Minster Police. They're not keen on wandering wedding couples being photographed on their private property it seems. Unfortunately it's tricky to be discrete so we were spotted quite quickly.
So we sauntered through the gardens, tails between our legs and lens downward-facing. I did feel a slight pang of disappointment at the opportunities we were missing but it was nice to leave Natalie and Richard to enjoy the stroll in solitude as a new couple in a setting which obviously had great meaning to them.
But I couldn't wait too long, and within 5 minutes we were shooting fabulous location shots again within the ancient walls of one of the UK's most beautiful cities. Whilst many of these shots might look quite posed, I am very much inclined towards 'natural photography' and so my verbal direction to couples is usually not much more than "please walk slowly that way and I'll photograph you as you chat between yourselves".
The Celebrations
After a plethora of street shots, Natalie and Richard (and best man Thomas) were picked up by a car leaving Tom and I to make our way on foot to the National Centre for Early Music (NCEM), the location of the rest of the celebrations. That journey itself was eventful as we stopped to help somebody who'd had a fall - she seemed okay once back on her feet but was keen to have a lay-down whilst down there. Didn't blame her.
The NCEM is yet another wonderful wedding location within the walls of this ancient City, an educational music charity based within St Margaret's, a medieval converted church. The church interior was brilliantly tall and spacious, the gardens and exterior doors and arches were fantastically ornamental and beautiful and even the lobby ceiling was a photographic delight (keep an eye out for the black and white eye-catching roof shot below with Natalie the bride stood underneath talking to friends amongst the crowd). Once again, the staff- particularly Mark Hildred and Lindsay Whitwell who we liaised with on the day - were fantastically helpful and hospitable to Tom and me.
The wedding party was well under way by the time Tom and I arrived and we got straight to it, running through the numerous formal shots we had pre-arranged with Natalie and Richard and then setting to with shots of the various decorative details and guests mingling.
Natalie and Richard had arranged for The Jinnah to cater. The Jinnah provide Kashmiri Indian cuisine at a number of restaurant locations throughout North Yorkshire including York and - particularly familiar to me when I lived Malton-way, near Flaxton on the A64. The lamb curry was sumptuous and though they didn't have peshwari naan, I was more than happy to have the garlic option (wonder if the newlyweds opted for garlic?!). As always when shooting at a wedding, I was careful not to have too much - I do not want to be weighed down for the rest of the day!
Following some great speeches - one involving that well-known wedding-related prop, a pineapple - we made use of the evening light outside and then finished our photographic coverage with the first dance.
It was a fabulous day with a fantastic bunch of people - as always the guests were lovely, and engaging - and we came away with a stack of wonderful shots. You can browse through a few below...
Tom from Giraffe Photography was second shooter on this one and as always it was not only a great help, but great fun to have him there with a second eye. I'm very grateful for his help when I can get it and I'm sure you'll agree his images also stand out as fantastic - see a few below also, marked as his in the captions.
Taken by Tom at Giraffe Photography
Taken by Tom at Giraffe Photography
Taken by Tom at Giraffe Photography
Taken by Tom at Giraffe Photography
Taken by Tom at Giraffe Photography
Taken by Tom at Giraffe Photography
Taken by Tom at Giraffe Photography
Taken by Tom at Giraffe Photography
Taken by Tom at Giraffe Photography
Taken by Tom at Giraffe Photography
Taken by Tom at Giraffe Photography