Wedding Photography Blog - Michelle & Will

April 11, 2019  •  Leave a Comment

Michelle & Will were married on a lovely late March day in central York. The day began as I popped into their house to get some coverage of bridal and bridesmaid preparations....though it turned out my primary directive was to photograph Billy, who would be unable to join us for the rest of the day due to his being a cat. 

Leaving Billy to housesit/bird-watch, Michelle and her fab four bridesmaids made their way to the Hospitium, a venue situated in Museum Gardens* in Central York, one of the top York wedding venues, a stunning venue in many regards and with very welcoming and helpful staff too.

The ceremony was fabulous, though had one slight hitch (not withstanding the main 'hitch' we were all there for): the alignment of Will's buttonhole was not to Michelle's exacting standards. So she had to straighten him out, which took a while....I had a good choice of photos to select from, of that!

I spent the day constantly circulating, looking for those magic moments of joy, laughter, fun, capturing the day in a documentary style that is not invasive, but which tells the story of the day as it naturally happened. Chris (Michelle's wonderful mum) kept saying - with a cheeky grin - that I hadn't yet told her how to pose. She often did this immediately after I had quickly shot her gesticulating in some wonderful fashion to someone else - my favourite type of subject! This is documentary photography - capturing what happens naturally in an interesting and beautiful way. 

Everyone had a wonderful time. From older generations cherishing the occasion, to younger ones (yes I count myself in that) letting off steam. We had the time of our lives. And Michelle and Will did too.

Photos below.

*Museum Gardens is closed to the public after dusk so wedding guests at the Hospitium have to enter/leave the gardens by asking a guard at the main entrance. A mutual friend of the bride, groom and me - let's call him Mickey - text me the next morning to ask if I'd got out alright because he'd had to scale a wall! I was very tempted to text back: "No - thank goodness you got in touch - send food and fresh water"



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